
Four Tips for Homeschooling

Valerie Dawson

Written by: Valerie Dawson

Four Tips for Homeschooling

Tip 1: Use educational materials from in and outside of school

There are now many digital learning materials available. Teachers in primary and secondary schools usually give assignments online. The work that children have to make is ready for them. The teacher can see how and when the work was made. This provides support and structure.

Teachers of course make sure that the material is appropriate for the child's level. If you use teaching materials from outside the school, it is important to be alert to this. A good example of a great resource is the article on how to support reading home learning.

Tip 2: Talk to others about how things are going

Make sure there is room for everyone to tell how things are going, and to ask questions. Everyone does their best and tries to follow the measures as best they can. Getting used to changes sometimes goes well and sometimes does not. It helps to share these experiences with each other and with others. Tell what you are doing yourself when things are not going well for a while. This can help others. This is important at home, but also in the contact with school and with social workers, if there are any.

It is nice for children to talk after a few hours of work. Ask, for example, what they have learned. Not to check up on them, but to show that you take schoolwork seriously and finish it off well together.


Tip 3: Organize help on time

If homeschooling is not going well, it is important to get help. Sometimes remote education does not work well because of tensions at home, or because there are no resources, such as a computer or the internet. You can contact the school for this. They can help you think of solutions.

Sometimes it can be complicated to organize the activities during the week. For example, because younger children in the family go to school and older children do not. Contact the teacher or someone else at school if this creates difficulties.

Tip 4: Alternate between work and exercise


Having a balance is very important. The following tips keeps it fun for everybody.

Keep Moving

It is important for all children to exercise throughout the day. Some children have an extra need for exercise and sports. It is good to stimulate movement.

Outdoor sports and exercise are fortunately still possible for children, for example on public squares and in parks.

Also for children who are not members of a sports club there are possibilities through the community to go and do sports.


A set rhythm helps keep it fun for everyone. You can spread schoolwork out over the day and alternate with relaxation, eating or drinking times and playing outside. Don't handle the schedule too tightly. If children wander off, become restless or languid, it may be a good idea to do another activity for a while.


Learning at home works best when it's also fun. This helps children, teenagers and you as a parent. Keep it relaxed and make sure there is a good balance between fun and schooltime. For more tips see 6 Tips For Homeschooling In Fall 2020.

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